Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Grilled Lamb Kebabs & Tzatziki

We have a meat share through a local farm coop, and they often give some lamb in the share.  This month we got lamb "stew meat", which is actually just pre-cut in chunks, making it perfect for kebabs & grilling (all I want to do in the summer is grill).  I wanted to try something fun, fresh, lemony and totally Greek.

A quick search found this Ina Garten recipe and some blogs (Smitten Kitchen, The Delish Dish) using the recipe.  It sounded totally delicious, and I thought it would also be a great conversion to a tube recipe.

The yogurt marinade was kind of messy, but the end result was delicious!

Here's the dinner converted to a g-tube blended diet.  I made the blend to be the lamb kebabs, tzatziki, and an apricot-grape fruit salad.  We used the lamb, peppers, and onions straight from the grill.

Notes on the lamb-
1.  We cooked the lamb to about medium well.  We had marinated it for about 24 hours, so it was still pretty tender.
2.  This lamb had some fat on it that didn't blend so well, even though I tried to pick the least fatty pieces.  I had some slight stoppage when I plunged the blend in, so I put the remaining blend through a strainer, and that seemed to help.

Whole Milk 1 cup
plain yogurt, whole milk 1/2 cup
lemonade 1/2 cup
pitas whole wheat (large) 1 pita
apricot, canned extra light syrup 1/2 cup
grapes 1/2 cup
honey 1 T
cucumber 1/2 cup
peppers 1/3 med pepper
onions slice, 1/4" thick
lamb 2 oz
olive oil 3 T
Children's Multivitamin 1/2 tablet
calcium chews supplement 1/2 chew
Volume (oz) 38
Cal/oz 30.8
Cal/cc 1.0

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